Thursday, December 9, 2010


Debra Messing
Debra has premiered in shows suchas Sienfeld, Will and Grace
Late Night with Conan O'Brien, Ellen, Oprah back in the 90's.
A recent movie she played a part in was the Garfield movie
(2004) as Arlene, one of garfields feline friends


Eric Stoltz where to start with him...well he is a pretty well known
man playing parts in Greys Anatomy, Will and Grace andother Tv shows.
He has also on top of those things played roles in famous movies like
Butterfly Effect.


This is a video i found while i was on youtube. It is a group of redheads protesting
on how wendys modo is a false disciption on how gingers should be interpreted. I
even being a ginger myself thought this was pretty funny, hope you do to


Awsome actor we got here huh? Wait you say you dont know who this is?
Ohh well its none other then Kathleen Robertson. She is a spectacular actor.
One of my favorite movies she plays in is"Scary Movie 2" she is histarical
and the movie is to.
If you can not tell by this picture who this man is let me tell you...that
is carrot top about 16 years ago. He looks different doesnt he? Well the reason
for this is because while persuing his carrer as a comidian he got very caught
up in steriods and that caused his hormones to make him look so different like
he does in the picture below.


Carrot top is probally the most well known rehead of all time.
if you have never heard of carrot top you must have been living in
a cave for half of your life. He is a stand up commedian. He is mostly
known for doing his acts with all different kinds of props


Julianne Moore Picture 
This actors name is Julianna Moore. she has played parts in many different
 films suchas some like the hours, eagle eye, shelter, the kids are all right
 and lots more. she is an awsome actor in my opinion.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


This ginger is well known all through out youtube. He rants on in his videos about how "gingers"
are being miss treated and people need to show more respect towards them. In this video in particular
he says that south park is not right about how they stated in one of there episodes that gingers do
not have souls.