Wednesday, May 18, 2011


This will be my last blog i write on gingervitis411. I hope my blogg has been very funny and informative to the people who have been viewing it on and off. All together i think the blogs i posted were a good way to show you what types of gingers are out there and what gingers are like. post some comments on my page saying if you liked some of my posts. i would like to thank my loyal viewers for being there for me through out the peruiod of time i was submitting my posts. love swagner <3

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


You turn on the news and you see them talking about it constantly, 60 minutes does a full indepth episode about it, turn the page in your news paper and its more then likely going to pop up on the next page, and you probally here your family and friends discuss about it in there social gatherings....if you havent keyed in on what im talking about, i am speaking about oamam bin ladens death. Thanks to the U.S's militarys speical forces group we had gone and killed osama bin laden for his war crimes. They had found out he was hiding in a pakistanian embassy about 5 years back before obama was voted president, just reciently though were we given permission to raid the embassy hence why it has been so long for us to capture him and have him executed. Many people tend to call the house he was staying in as a mansion, but no it is infact an embassy. After the execution there was infact a big party in D.C right infront of the white house, even though it was not neccisarly the most publicisized event it was pretty crazy in my personal opinin! We all had alot to drink (for the people that could drink atleast), people were going around all D.C. cheering, there were war veiterans people who were from the iraq war previously and more patrioticness then i have ever seen in my entire life that i have lived in the U.S.  Alot of people have been talking about it and has become one of the most well known current events in America at the time being. Some of the word on the street right now is that we might have bombings due to the murder of osama, so alot of people have been taking precousions and have been alot more alert and on the toes the past couple days. If we give it time hopefully this event will make it so that we are brought out of the war and we can finally get what all of america has wanted, and that is bringing our loving troops home so we dont have to be worried for them while they are out in iran and iraq where they could be at harm at anytime of the day, any day.


when your spelling G-I-N-G-E-R the first letter has a very big meaning to it! it stands for-gangster! you have to maintian gangster reputation while being a ginger, this can be a very hard task to reach. You can run into obsticals on the way like peer presure, drugs, sex and crime. those type of things are typical "gangster type things" but a ginger is quite the opposite. we fight for peace harmny and power to worship


Gingivitis is a form of periodontal disease. Periodontal disease involves inflammation and infection that destroys the tissues that support the teeth, including the gums, and the tooth sockets (alveolar bone). Although this disease may not have much to do with being as ginger, it is the thing the ispired me to give my blog the name i gave it. This diseasen can be deadly but more the less is cureable